Innovation also stems from comparison with new generations

The temperature control algorithm that will characterise one of Fantini Cosmi's new thermostats came from the work of a thesis student

28/02/2023  |  Fantini Cosmi Reading time

Saqib Ali, 27 years old, graduated from the Politecnico di Milano.


Saqib Ali, 27, is originally from Pakistan. He chose Italy for his studies and in particular one of the best universities in the world, the Politecnico di Milano. His goal, he says, was to bring new ideas to life and contribute to innovation: a goal he achieved in a very short time at Fantini Cosmi.

From the theory he learnt at the Polytechnic he immediately turned to practice, applying his knowledge in the Fantini Cosmi research and development department, led by Roberto La Capruccia, which periodically hosts young students for their theses.

Saqib worked on the development of his Master’s thesis in Energy Engineering supported by a whole team of company professionals. The project that followed involved the development of the TPI (Time Proportional & Integral) temperature control algorithm which, integrated into a thermostat, contributes to an improved level of comfort and energy efficiency, saving up to 10% more energy than conventional thermostats.

Saqib defended his thesis entitled “Development of TPI temperature control algorithm for thermostat for maximum comfort & high energy efficiency” at the end of 2022 and continued his path at Fantini Cosmi with a post-graduate internship that saw him grappling with the testing phase of the TPI algorithm he defined at a mathematical level. The fine-tuning of the algorithm was taken care of by Saqib Ali himself, in a sort of “passing of the baton” for continuity of development. A scientific article is also being prepared on this project.

The TPI algorithm that is the subject of Saqib’s Master’s thesis is one of the distinguishing features of the new universal LED thermostat that will be presented by the company at the upcoming ISH trade fair in Frankfurt.

“Working at Fantini Cosmi,” Saqib explained, “I not only acquired technical knowledge and soft skills, but also improved my personal development skills in terms of problem solving, communication, time management, adaptation and leadership. It was indeed a great experience to be able to realise a project from scratch that will have a direct industrial application, but what impressed me most about this company is the collective decision-making process and the openness of the management to accept the ideas of young people like me. Based on my experience, I also recommend other students start their professional career in a lively and stimulating environment like the one I found at Fantini Cosmi.”


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