Top products of 2021

The ranking of the best Fantini Cosmi and Aspira products of the year has just ended! Read all details in the article

10/01/2022  |  Fantini Cosmi Reading time


2021 was an important year for Fantini Cosmi because it marked a prestigious goal: 90 years of company activity. Before closing this “milestone”, we wanted to look again at the year we have just left behind to draw up a list of the TOP PRODUCTS of 2021 for Fantini Cosmi.

Here is a selection of products chosen on the basis of various criteria: from our best-sellers, to the most innovative and popular on the market, to the most “specialised” to perform specific functions.

1.       Ecocomfort 2.0 Smart, the smartest CMV solution

This was the flagship product of 2021. Fantini Cosmi’s first completely smart device that applies artificial intelligence to controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV), introducing intelligent functions to improve air quality and personal well-being. Configurable and manageable exclusively through the company’s Intelliclima+ App, Ecocomfort 2.0 Smart has also conquered the market for its design, winning the prestigious international “Red Dot Design Award 2021”.

2.       C800WiFi, the most popular WiFi smart thermostat

Thanks to the continuous monitoring of environmental parameters of temperature and humidity and the processing of data by “Artificial Intelligence” algorithms, C800WiFi cross-references all the information useful to optimise use of the heating and cooling system, anticipating or delaying its activation based on the user’s usage habits, the geo-location of the user and the thermal response of the house, with the aim of providing the best comfort conditions with the lowest possible consumption.

3.       Aspircomfort Pro X, sanitised air in professional environments

Equipped with germicidal UVC lamps, the Aspircomfort Pro X decentralised CMV units with heat pump sanitise the supply air and destroy viruses while ensuring very high thermodynamic recovery efficiency (>90%). Conceived for the renewal and sanitisation of air in professional environments, such as medical offices and surgeries that require an adequate change of air, they are suitable where it is not possible to install ducted systems.

4.       Aspircomfort Class, the specialised product for schools

Particularly suitable for commercial applications, especially schools, where greater control of air quality is required and ducted systems are not possible, the  Aspircomfort Class CMV unit can be installed horizontally in a false ceiling, optimising space. Its low noise levels, with only 34 dB/A average at 4 m, make it an “ideal companion” in the classroom but also a good silent solution for libraries and other study environments.

5.       Intellitherm C57, the best-selling conventional thermostat

Not everyone is ready for a smart home and some users still prefer products that are easy to configure and use. Here is Fantini Cosmi’s evergreen, the Intellitherm C57 electronic chronothermostat with weekly programming for the control of heating and air-conditioning systems is really easy to set and very versatile.

6.       MIA, the richest proposal for the smart home

A true smart communication hub which can control heating, air conditioning, roller shutters, awnings, security cameras, lighting, electrical loads, alarms, irrigation: even remotely. All this is MIA, the automation management and control system for the home and service sector.

7.       Aspirvelo Ecocomfort, the heat recovery solution that does it all by itself

This high-efficiency decentralised ventilation and extraction unit with heat recovery works on the principle of regenerative heat recovery, through a ceramic heat exchanger placed inside the device that accumulates the heat given up by the flow of air entering or leaving the room and returns it when the flow reverses its direction. Ecocomfort is equipped with temperature, humidity and light sensors, which allow the unit to adopt the most suitable ventilation modes in total autonomy and ensure the best environmental comfort.

8.       Rhinocomfort, the most air-sanitised product

It not only recovers heat but also purifies the air. Thanks to the combined action of an LED light that illuminates the duct through which the air passes and the water vapour it contains, Rhinocomfort decomposes harmful substances in the air supply, transforming them into harmless substances. It combines the advantages of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery with the benefits of sanitising and purifying the air, disintegrating and leaving no pollutant residues, as well as preventing mould and humidity.


And you, which product would you like in your home?


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