A guide of the best air conditioners for this upcoming summer

Everything you need to know to improve the comfort of your own home as you await the hot weather.

11/06/2019  |  Fantini Cosmi Reading time


Whether it be portable, fixed, monosplit or multisplit, with ecologic gas, heat pump: air conditioners have become a crucial element of our homes. The most popular ones are models with high energy ratings that are able to guarantee reduced consumption and high performance.

There are many models on the market and to find the most suitable solution for our needs we need to be aware of some simple rules. Let’s explore them together!

Division of spaces

The first information we need to consider in our choice for the right unit is the square footage of the space for which we need the air conditioning. With this data we are able to calculate the power that the machine requires to duly control the temperature of the space.

Considering that the K factor for the cooling function is 25 and 35 for heating, all we need to do is multiply this value by the square metres of the space requiring air conditioning and we will have the result of the necessary power.

K x cubic metres = W

We then convert the value into BTU/h (British Thermal Unit), the unit of measurement generally used in AC systems:

1W = 3.4Btu/h

The result gives you the minimum necessary BTU power. This is a rough indication. Indeed, it is necessary to consider other variables as well, such as exposure to the sun or the insulation of the home. This is why it is necessary to avoid purchasing an AC unit with a lower BTU number and seek the advice of an expert installer who, following a technical survey to determine the effective cooling and heating needs of the space, will suggest the best solution.

Consumption under control

To obtain tangible energy savings it is a good idea to choose AC units with inverter technology that is able to automatically modulate the necessary power to maintain the ideal level of comfort. This way, we avoid having to continuously turn it on and off, which is often the cause of unnecessary waste. The resulting energy savings are equal to 30% over 8 hours of continuous operation.

As with almost all home appliances, it is essential to check the label highlighting the energy efficiency rating of the product with a scale that is generally composed of seven coloured segments (from green – best possible efficiency, to red – lower efficiency) and with a letter that can range from A+++ (best efficiency) to D (lowest efficiency).

A high energy rating is determined by the Seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER for cooling function and SCOP for heating) and ensures significantly reduced consumption.

In view of energy savings, it is therefore crucial to choose a product whose energy rating is A, A+ or higher.

Which installation should you choose?

  • Portable AC units are the simplest and most immediate response to the air conditioning needs of a home. Indeed, they offer easy and economic installation, only require a hole in the window pane or wall to connect the air ejection pipe.

When choosing the device, make sure you check the noise level stated on the label. Values around the 60-65 dB limit could bother the occupants of the house.

  • The most cutting-edge solution in terms of energy efficiency and operating efficiency are the new AC units with R32 gas that guarantee high performance with reduced environmental impact. Indeed, R32 gas has on ODP value (Ozone Depletion Potential) of zero.
  • If the requirement is to air condition the various rooms, multisplit AC units offer the possibility of connecting up to 5 indoor units, even differing in terms of type and power, to a single outdoor DC Inverter Unit.

All you need to know is the number of Split units you want to install and the respective powers to select the most appropriate outdoor unit for the air conditioning system.

The types of split units that can be installed in the same system are: wall-mounted, ducted, floor/ceiling, console or recessed.

  • Sometimes it is not possible to install an outdoor unit on the facade or on the roof of the building (for example, due to architectural or structural restrictions). In these cases, one of the latest developments on the market are AC units without outdoor unit which, thanks to their elegant and compact design, can be perfectly inserted into any type of environment, indoors or outdoors.

The various single-block models of AC units offer two types of installation: high wall mounting or low wall mounting and controlled with fan-coils.

Do not overlook tax incentives

Remember that when looking through the information you need to consider when choosing the best device, AC units with a heat pump represent an excellent choice in terms of comfort and return on investment.

Indeed, these products combine cooling and heating functions.

This is why, the installation of heat pump AC units not only offers greater comfort than traditional heating systems combined with the energy savings of a modern and ecological home, but it also gives us access to incentives for energy saving upgrades which offer a deduction of up to 65% on IRPEF or IRES in 2019 as well.


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